The most popular sandwich course with sausage. Have you ever thought about where and when did this deli meats?
The history of the emergence of sausages out in the distant past, the first mention of this product have been found in ancient Persia, as in ancient Greece was very popular product, the ancient ancestor of sausage: boiled or roasted beef, which was packed in pork bellies. Sausage spread around the world contributed to the sailors and merchants. Going on a long journey, they certainly took with them the sausage. It was at that time it was noted that properly cooked sausage acquired property is impossible to contaminate up to two years.
Some experts see Slavic origin, associated with the word "bun". Perhaps it is the Turkish word "kulbasti" meaning "grilled meat" may - Polish "kielbasar" - meat dishes. In any case, this consensus regarding the word does not exist. Yes, it is not surprising, because the sausage as much, and more than two thousand years!
Ancient Slavs loved the sausage and were able to cook it better than other peoples. One suspects that the sausage is really a national product, out of nowhere came to us. And although the first time it is mentioned in one of the Novgorod birchbark documents of the XII century, there is speculation that the ancient Slavs already knew the secret of making this product. How to cook? It's very simple: washed pig intestines, filled them with finely chopped meat and fat, and as additives used buckwheat porridge, eggs, pork and beef blood. The resulting sausages cooked and smoked.
The ancient Greeks enjoyed the sausage during noisy celebrations, as in ancient Rome were very fond of blood sausage. Prepared its starting boiled pork bellies minced meat, pig's blood and all kinds of spices. Curled ringlet sausage smoked, so it can be stored for a long time. It has been not so much a holiday as everyday dish. Sailors and merchants were taken with a sausage on long journeys. Good smoked sausage could be stored up to two years.
Asian steppe nomads also loved the sausage, but it was prepared differently. For a basis took mutton or horse meat. They do not smoked sausage, as Europeans and dried it in the sun, from this product dehydrated and well maintained during long military campaigns. This sausage called "Sudzhuk." She was kept under saddle rider, getting a flat shape, and has always been at hand wants to bite a warrior-nomad.
Once in Europe , sausage received special attention and respect. Thanks to a special love for meat, sausage in Europe changed, a lot of recipes, types, flavors of sausage.
The first appearance of sausages in Russia , based on historical data dating back to the 12th century. But, in 1709 - the year of the opening of Russia's first sausage factory. This event occurred in the city of St. Petersburg, at the invitation of Peter German producers of sausage, began their work. With the advent of sausage factories, the popularity and availability of sausage products has grown significantly. So we came to the fashion for sausage, and the Germans, Russians still call "sausage".
Modern sausage World - is the preservation of the good old recipes sausages and the emergence of new ones. It's hard to imagine life without the Russians sausages. Manufacturers tend to sausage for a long time to keep its taste and nutritional qualities, so to invent new recipes and new packaging.
Nowadays deficit sausage - no, the shelves are filled with a huge assortment of goods for any fussy - smoked, boiled, poultry, pork ...